Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pakistan's War on Terror......Ambivalence Must be Removed

Chief of Pakistan army, General Ashfaque Pervaiz Kayani gave his opinion that the war against terror would be waged at every cost. His opinion articulated that Pakistani army has no ambivalence in this matter. Pakistani army is doing whatever it can against terrorists and terrorism. He gave this opinion on 14th and 15th of September while paying tribute to the officers and soldiers of Pakistani army who were killed while fighting terrorists. He unambiguously declared that Pakistani army possessed the capacity and capability to tackle the challenge of terrorism. He also declared that his army would keep on fighting these despicable terrorists according to the wishes of Pakistani people, till this anathema is nipped from bud. He also opined that peace must be given a chance. He totally refuted all those conjectures that Pakistan was bowing to every demand of Tehrik i Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and promulgated that perpetrators of terrorism would be brought to justice while endorsing the political approach of the government to eradicate the terrorism.
Deep analysis of this speech articulates the willingness for the political process but at the same time the reservations of Pak Army which does not want to compromise the sovereignty and writ of government at any cost. Although, Army chief endorsed political and reconciliation process for the amelioration of situation but also declared that he did not want to give this impression to the enemies that they have become strong while the state has become enervated.
Whether it is TTP or Tehrik e Nafaz e Shariyat e Muhammadi (TNSM), government was keen to start reconciliation process with them in Sawat. But after reconciliation process, the writ of government was severely challenged. Even Pakistani flag was banned in Swat and eventually government had to use the force to establish its writ. Thus consequences of reconciliation with Taliban in Sawat must be kept in mind before the commencement of reconciliation process. Government must make it short and swift to prevent any breathing space to the terrorists so that they may not reorganize again as Talibans have used this tactic before to renew their rivalry against the state.
Before the commencement of reconciliation process, there should be some confidence building measures. Talibans should have stopped attacking Pakistani army. However, instead of decreasing the attacks and making the situation clement for the reconciliation process, they has inflict a sever blow to Pakistani army. They have killed a Major General in a part of Country where there was no apparent war going on between Pak Army and Taliban. At the same time, they have further threatened to continue their nefarious actions against Pakistani state. They have warned that Government should take the first step towards amelioration of situation and declare cease fire. 
The wretched ambivalence and lack of courage of taking daring decision are the major reasons why this problem of terrorism has continued unabated. It appears as if there is dearth of information for the political leadership and it also lacks the ability to understand the nuances of ideological of divide in Pakistan. Political and religious leadership considers al Qaida and Taliban innocuous and blames the American presence in Afghanistan for the current predicament of Pakistan and terrorism affected areas. Either it has not studied the ideological of strategy of Taliban or it does not possess this capacity. This is the reason for continual violence and terrorism in Pakistan and absence of any palpable action against the perpetrators which could seriously inflict them and compel them to move towards reconciliation and surrender. 
It can be concluded that it is not the ambivalence in the mind of Pakistani army but the ambiguity in the minds of Political leadership which is really hampering peace process.

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